A Quick Note/PSA about Plagiarism

Kinja'd!!! "DasWauto" (DasWauto)
01/30/2014 at 12:00 • Filed to: PSA

Kinja'd!!!7 Kinja'd!!! 18

Last night, !!!error: Indecipherable SUB-paragraph formatting!!! became the subject of !!!error: Indecipherable SUB-paragraph formatting!!! . I've seen posts made like in this way plenty of times and have always been confident that the author is only sharing relevant content with Oppositelock, never intending to claim it as his/her own. The concern is a valid one though.

It's also one that I think can be alleviated quite easily.

It might be best not to paste the entire article as that removes any need to actually click the linked source and benefit the original author. Further, a little intro/disclaimer explaining what the subject is and where it came from should appease any worries anyone has about plagiarism. Putting the text in quotes or indenting it with the quotation function of the editor is probably not a bad idea either.

That is all, carry on.


Kinja'd!!! willkinton247 > DasWauto
01/30/2014 at 12:04


Don't copy and paste directly, but if you would like to paraphrase and quote sections, that's more than welcome. Make sure you cite though. Plus, I want to hear what YOU have to say about a topic, not just what other people have to say. Give your opinion and ideas!

Kinja'd!!! McMike > DasWauto
01/30/2014 at 12:14


So, is this one good, or not good?


Kinja'd!!! DasWauto > McMike
01/30/2014 at 12:16


Quoted, linked the source, distilled relevant info, perfect.

Kinja'd!!! puddler > DasWauto
01/30/2014 at 12:17


this is taught in jr.high. anyone over the age of 12 should be caned for plagiarism.

but imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

Kinja'd!!! McMike > DasWauto
01/30/2014 at 12:19


Cool. Most the time I don't have the time at work to type out a bunch of stuff, so I keep it short and cite.

Kinja'd!!! RamblinRover Luxury-Yacht > puddler
01/30/2014 at 12:32


In jr. high, plagiarism is a caning offense.

Imitating the remarks of others is sincere, therefore flattering.

Kinja'd!!! puddler > RamblinRover Luxury-Yacht
01/30/2014 at 12:33


i amused myself by not referencing whoever made the imitation quote...but the interwebs says it's Charles Caleb Colton

Kinja'd!!! RamblinRover Luxury-Yacht > puddler
01/30/2014 at 12:37


Assuming of course he didn't hear it somewhere, hurr hurr.

Kinja'd!!! puddler > RamblinRover Luxury-Yacht
01/30/2014 at 12:42


that plagiarizing basterd. i've got a cane, wonder where he's buried...

Kinja'd!!! CobraJoe > DasWauto
01/30/2014 at 13:16


If the poster was being paid for their contributions here, I would say it matters. Otherwise, I assume any news to be sourced from a news outlet and any opinion to be an opinion of someone who in the very least agrees with the poster.

Kinja'd!!! Tekamul > CobraJoe
01/30/2014 at 13:56


I think this is why it's a tricky area.

Here in Oppo, any contributor is most likely not being paid, just some approved commenter. The Jalopnik editors who are ultimately responsible for this little corner of their page are, though. Since they are (somehow) making money on the 'clicks', they need to worry about such standards.

Then they're left with the unpopular task of making sure our unpaid contributions to their money tree are on the up-and-up. Hence a PSA.

/Also, I enjoy a twitter thread being called a 'discussion'. It's like calling a tea party a conference.

Kinja'd!!! CobraJoe > Tekamul
01/30/2014 at 14:18


Not sure if that requires a PSA for authors on Oppo, that should be a worry for the editors who share stuff to the front page. After all, they're the ones getting paid to make sure their stuff gets clicks. They would be the ones in trouble if they did share something that was plagiarized.

As for over here on Oppo, I think it shouldn't be an issue, we're here to share news and opinions and stories. The only traffic we're bringing in is the usual Oppo crowd.

However, for the purpose of information sharing, I would prefer if people posted links to the news or opinions they're sharing, or at least a description of where they found it simply so those who are curious can look to find more.

Kinja'd!!! Tekamul > CobraJoe
01/30/2014 at 15:10


I think the issue is, they still get $/click even in Oppo. This exposes them financially to liabilities associated with plagiarism.

Kinja'd!!! CobraJoe > Tekamul
01/30/2014 at 15:18


Still their issue, not ours. We don't get paid for the content we provide.

Kinja'd!!! Tekamul > CobraJoe
01/30/2014 at 15:25


Definitely their issue. But I could see getting my Oppo card pulled at the first hint of dissatisfaction.

Kinja'd!!! CobraJoe > Tekamul
01/30/2014 at 15:36


I guess that is always a possibility.

Though I don't see it happening unless you're a repeat offender and belligerent about it when confronted.

Kinja'd!!! DasWauto > Tekamul
01/30/2014 at 21:21


Just fyi the discussion was mostly between the Oppo moderators and done elsewhere. The Twitter conversation raised the concern and started that discussion.

Kinja'd!!! Tekamul > DasWauto
01/30/2014 at 21:36


Well, that's good to hear, the twitter thread looked a little bare.